UX Design Books, Blogs, and Podcasts: A 2023 Resource List

It’s only the most efficient and trusted method for learning any subject. Now, when I’m venturing into any new subject, the first thing I do is check some books. It was always practice over theory for me, and I used my experience for everything that might require a bit of information. One of the most convenient testing methods for UX available is the 5-second rule.

ui ux books

It will inspire you to think differently about your design process from the teams that changed the user experience of entire industries. The content matter of this text is easy to comprehend, covering sketching and prototyping design methods at the same time. It is highly recommended for designers, producers and architects to read this book once in their lifetime as it has some value bombs. I started my research by understanding the market and how augmented reality is becoming the future of digital experience. As I went through some articles and blogs, most companies focus on transforming the Two Dimensional experience into an immersive experience using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality. This book falls in the category of user research books where the focus is on conducting active research that can add value to the process of design.

Introduction to Good Usability by Peterpixel

After that, the training wheels come off when you read The Design of Everyday Things. It tackles real-life situations, while Don’t Make Me Think is very concrete and focuses on best practices and actionable tips and tricks. There’s an easy way of reading some of my recommended books on UX for free. It can be of great help since getting a lot of books can still be an investment close to that of a UX course. As a UX designer, you can make great use of the things this book teaches you.

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Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art is the creatives equivalent of Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins. It’s an ass-kicking manifesto on “breaking ui ux books through blocks and winning our inner creative battles”. Why does the average person check their smartphone is 110 times a day?

I will walk you through how I structured variables in a comprehensive design system in under 4 days.

The simple writing style of Peter Morville and a common-sense approach to the design of products and services, make this a UX design for beginners book. This book, published by Semantic Studios, deals with the organization of information in the online world and how everything is connected in one way or the other. There are so many UI/UX design books that it can get hard to pick the best ones. If you’re wondering about UX books to read, this article is for you. This article introduces the best UX design books, covering classical laws of UX and modern trends in the field. Whether you’re new to the field or already working in a UI and UX design company, these books will help you add value to your work.

Because customers don’t care about your story, they care about their own. Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. More than just a self-help book to overcome procrastination, The War of Art is a call-to-arms on professionalism, artistic integrity and drive, whatever your field may be. It’s essential reading for any artist, writer, UX designer or creative professional. Learn how to design beautiful user interfaces by yourself using specific tactics explained from a developer’s point-of-view.

Designing Better UX With UI Patterns by UXPin

How someone sees an object and how he thinks it will work is what we call a mental model. User research is an essential part of your design process when working as a UX designer. Understanding the mental model involved is key to delivering a user experience that’s both helpful and delightful. Yes, UX and Agile have some differences in their way of working. However, lean UX will give you the tools you need to work together with Agile-minded teams and clients efficiently and productively. And if you need more help, you can always take a look at the ultimate Scrum guide for UX designers I wrote.

  • I am Hari a Freelance UI-UX designer, and I am here to help my comrades by sharing what I know.
  • Now when you believe design is your thing, it’d be helpful to shadow experienced designers at work to gain some practical insights.
  • It is highly recommended for designers, producers and architects to read this book once in their lifetime as it has some value bombs.
  • Instead, I want to provide you with a new set of eyes through which you can see the world anew” said David Kadavy, the author of Design for Hackers.
  • There are many self-taught UI designers in the design industry who started just with a couple of books.

To become a UI designer you do not need a degree in a specific field of study. However, psychology, computer science, or design degree can be beneficial in seeing forward. If you are looking for a book that will make you face the realities of designing for people and, in doing so, improve your design (good deal), this one is for you. Whatever your reason is for reading about UI design, there are many books out there. 👉 You might be a CEO looking to understand the logic behind what your designers presented to you.

ui ux books

This is a comprehensive resource for learning about interaction design, human-computer interaction, information design, web design, while looking at how they relate to AI and data science. Build your UX career with a globally recognised, industry-approved qualification. Get the mindset, the confidence and the skills that make UX designers so valuable. His publisher says that “anyone involved in creating digital products should read this book.” We agree.

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